Why is Laravel So Popular For Developers and Great for Agile Companies?

Laravel is a popular PHP framework that has become the go-to choice for many developers worldwide. It provides an easy-to-use and intuitive platform that simplifies web development while allowing for complex functionalities. Laravel is known for its robust features, excellent performance, and high-security standards, essential for any modern web application.
This article will explore why Laravel is so popular among developers and why it’s an excellent choice for agile companies. We will also discuss the benefits of hiring Laravel developers from Mexico, a country with a large pool of talented developers offering many advantages.

Why is Laravel so popular among developers?

Elegant syntax

Laravel’s syntax is clean and elegant, making it easy to read and understand. This means that developers can quickly get up to speed with Laravel and start developing applications with less effort.

Powerful templating engine

Laravel’s Blade templating engine is a powerful tool that makes creating dynamic and reusable HTML content easy. This feature makes it easy for developers to create beautiful and responsive user interfaces.

MVC architecture

Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, a popular web development design pattern. This architecture makes it easy to separate the application’s logic and presentation layers, making it easier to maintain and test the code.

Artisan command-line interface

Laravel’s Artisan command-line interface is a powerful tool that allows developers to automate repetitive tasks such as database migrations, seeding, and testing. This feature saves developers time and makes it easier to maintain their applications.

Robust security features

Laravel has several built-in security features, such as protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. These security features make Laravel a more secure choice for web application development.

Easy database migration

Laravel’s database migration feature allows developers to modify the database schema in a structured and organized way. This feature makes it easy to change the database schema without losing data.

Laravel Forge

Laravel Forge is a server management tool that makes deploying and managing Laravel applications easy. This feature makes it easy for developers to set up and maintain their applications, even if they are not experienced with server administration.

Extensive documentation

Laravel has extensive documentation that is easy to follow and understand. This feature makes it easy for developers to learn how to use Laravel and solve problems quickly.

Large and supportive community

Laravel has a large and supportive community of developers who contribute to the development of the framework, provide support and resources, and share knowledge and experience. This community makes it easy for developers to find answers to their questions and learn from others.

Easy integration with third-party packages

Laravel integrates with third-party packages and libraries, such as payment gateways, social media APIs, and email services. This feature saves developers time and makes adding new functionality to their applications easier.

Built-in testing support

Laravel has built-in testing support, making it easy for developers to write and run application tests. This feature makes ensuring the application functions correctly easier and reduces the risk of bugs and errors.


Laravel is highly scalable, making it an excellent choice for building large and complex web applications. This feature allows developers to create applications that handle large amounts of traffic and data without sacrificing performance.

Easy integration with front-end frameworks

Laravel easily integrates with popular front-end frameworks such as Vue.js, React, and Angular. This feature makes it easier for developers to create modern and responsive user interfaces.

Modular structure

Laravel’s modular structure allows developers to break down their applications into smaller, reusable components. This feature makes it easier to maintain and test the code and makes it easier to add new functionality to the application.

Why is Laravel great for agile companies?

Rapid development:

Laravel’s built-in features and modular design enable developers to create applications quickly and efficiently. This feature makes Laravel an excellent choice for agile companies that need to develop and deploy applications rapidly to meet market demands.

Easy maintenance:

Laravel’s modular design and comprehensive documentation make it easier for developers to maintain and update the application. This feature ensures that the application remains up-to-date and bug-free, which is crucial for the success of an agile company.


Laravel’s modular design and excellent performance allow applications to scale quickly and easily. This feature is essential for agile companies that adapt quickly to market demands and scale their applications to meet growing user needs.

Third-party integrations:

Laravel has a wide range of third-party integrations, making it easier for developers to add new functionalities to the application. This feature saves time and effort by not creating these functionalities from scratch.

Why hiring Laravel developers from Mexico is a good option?

Good education level:

Mexico has a high level of education, with many universities offering computer science degrees. This education level ensures that developers from Mexico have a strong foundation in programming and development.

Popularity of programming language:

Mexico is a great destination for PHP Laravel development due to the popularity of PHP as a programming language in the country and the availability of a large number of PHP developers. With a growing tech industry and a population of over 126 million people, Mexico is estimated to have around 700,000 software developers. While it’s difficult to estimate the exact number of PHP developers, given the language’s popularity, it’s safe to assume that there are likely thousands of PHP developers in the country. Mexico has a robust outsourcing industry, which means that there may be even more PHP developers in the country than those working for Mexican companies. In a survey conducted by Stack Overflow in 2021, PHP was ranked as the 5th most popular programming language among developers in Latin America, including Mexico.

Similar culture:

Mexico has a similar culture to the United States, which makes it easier for Mexican developers to understand the needs and expectations of US-based companies.

Same time zone:

Mexico is in the same time zone as many US cities, which makes communication and collaboration easier between US-based companies and Mexican developers.


Hiring Mexican Laravel developers can save US-based companies a significant amount of money compared to hiring developers locally. The cost of living in Mexico is lower, meaning developers can be hired at a lower rate without sacrificing quality.


Many Mexican Laravel developers speak both English and Spanish fluently. This feature makes communication and collaboration between US-based companies and Mexican developers easier and more efficient.

Top engineering practices:

Nearshore Mexican engineers are known for their excellent engineering practices, which include clean code, documentation, and testing. These practices ensure that applications built by Mexican developers are of high quality and are easy to maintain and update.

Government support:

The Mexican government has made significant efforts to support the tech industry, including the creation of several technology parks and investment in research and development. These initiatives have helped to create a vibrant tech community in Mexico with many talented nearshore Mexican engineers.

Cultural proximity:

Mexico shares many cultural similarities with the United States, including a strong work ethic, a focus on results, and a desire for innovation. This cultural proximity makes it easier for US-based companies to work with Mexican developers and ensures that the work is aligned with the company’s goals and values.


Mexico has a diverse tech community with many developers from different backgrounds and experiences. This diversity ensures that US-based companies can find developers with the right skills and expertise to meet their specific needs.


Laravel is a popular PHP framework that offers many benefits for developers and agile companies. Its intuitive syntax, comprehensive features, modular design, excellent performance, and high-security standards make it a perfect choice for building web applications. Additionally, hiring Laravel developers from Mexico provides many advantages, including a good education level, similar culture, same time zone, savings, bilingualism, top engineering practices, government support, cultural proximity, and diversity. These factors make Laravel an excellent choice for companies developing high-quality web applications while saving time and money.
Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its simplicity, elegance, and powerful features that make web development faster and more efficient. It’s excellent for agile companies because it offers an intuitive syntax.